IRS Urges Taxpayers to Renew Their ITINs

Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) are used by those who have tax filing obligations, but are not eligible for Social Security Numbers. These numbers expire after a certain amount of time and so must be renewed. Those who fail to renew their ITINs face serious penalties, so if your ITIN is expired, it is important to contact a tax attorney who can help you avoid processing delays and the loss of key benefits.
Expiration Dates
In 2015, Congress passed the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH), which put a series of new ITIN-related rules into place. For example, under this law, ITINs that are not used on a tax return at least once in the past three years automatically expire, as do ITINS with the middle digits of 70, 71, 72, or 80, which expired on December 31, 2017. Similarly, ITINs with the middle numbers 78 or 79 expired at the end of 2016. Fortunately, these numbers can and should be renewed, as failing to do so can lead to processing delays, the loss of eligibility for important tax benefits, and the inability to file a federal tax return.
Who Should Renew ITINs?
Only those who don’t have Social Security Numbers, but must still file a federal tax return are required to obtain an ITIN, including:
- Nonresident aliens who claim reduced withholding under an income tax treaty;
- Nonresident aliens who elect to file a joint federal tax return with a spouse who is a U.S. citizen or resident alien;
- S. resident aliens;
- Alien spouses who are claimed as an exemption on a federal tax return;
- Alien individuals who are eligible to be claimed as dependents;
- Nonresident aliens who are students, professors, or researchers; and
- Dependents or spouses of nonresident alien U.S. visa holders.
If you fall under any of these categories, you may need to apply for or renew an ITIN. Please contact our legal team to learn more.
The Filing Process
Taxpayers with expired ITINs who must still file a tax return in 2018 are required to submit a renewal application, referred to as Form W-7, along with original identification documents or certified copies. In most cases, identification documents are reviewed by the IRS and returned within two months. ITIN renewal applications can take up to 11 weeks to complete during tax season, making it especially important for those who need to renew their ITINs to speak with a tax attorney as soon as possible.
Contact an Experienced Tax Attorney Today
Failing to renew an ITIN can delay your tax refund or make you ineligible for certain benefits. To ensure that you renew your own ITIN on time, please call 386-490-9949 to schedule a free one-on-one consultation with dedicated Florida tax attorney Ronald Cutler, P.A. If you cannot meet during the week, don’t worry! We’re happy to set up an appointment on the weekend to accommodate your schedule, so don’t hesitate to call or send us an online message today.